GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Tame the unpredictable: Building maps for apps in the cloud"

Track: Case Studies / Time: Wednesday 11:30 - 12:20 / Location: Administratiezaal

Infrastructure able to embrace the chaotic nature of mobile apps world is just as important as product design. Introducing the new new, creating rich applications and running them in the cloud requires a platform that can provide global scale, robust performance and instant availability. There are clouds and there are CLOUDS. Snowciety is a social ski tracking app which shows you in real-time where your friends are and how they are doing on the slopes. Timan Rebel with his team using open source tools and creative common data, and placing the architecture in the SoftLayer cloud, managed to build a system equivalent to Google Maps, covering 85% of the ski resorts in the world. See what it takes to build and run your own maps.

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Jonathan Wisler, General Manager EMEA at SoftLayer

Jonathan Wisler

Biography: Jonathan Wisler

Jonathan Wisler is a technology veteran who has been driving innovation, profitability and international expansion in technology companies for close to 15 years. Prior to SoftLayer he was a principal at Magnify Consulting where helped technology startups with international expansion and develop scalable operations. Prior, he spent 8 years at Kodak Gallery growing the business unit from an idea to an international market leader. At Kodak he was responsible hosting and developing a global web to print infrastructure on a limited capital budget. He graduated from the University of California at Santa Cruz with a major in economics and a minor in surfing.

Twitter: @jpwisler

Timan Rebel, Serial Entrepreneur working on his latest startup Snowsciety

Timan Rebel

Biography: Timan Rebel

Timan Rebel is serial entrepreneur and currently working on his latest startup Snowsciety, a social tracking device for skiers and snowboarders. He specializes in entrepreneurship, social media and technical subjects such as APIs, HTML5 and Agile Development.

In 2001, Timan founded (with as a male counterpart) grew to the largest Dutch social network for young people and took the lead early in the development of social Media in the Netherlands.

Twitter: @timanrebel